SummerMap 2007 issue

Published on: March 01, 2007



Featured Articles:

From the editor:
The buds are barely on the trees, and already I'm knee-deep in summer
camp applications. As I sit bundled in my sweater, I try to imagine
those long, warm days that lie ahead -- days of chasing giggling kids
down the beach, of picnics in the park, of juggling work and child care
and the compelling urge to chuck it all, grab the kids and head out to
the woods. In the next week or so, I'll hammer out a summer plan for my
family that I hope will strike that tricky balance between work and

Opportunities abound, and you'll find hundreds of ideas for summer
camps and adventures within these pages. We hope our first annual SummerMap
will prove an essential guide for your family as you navigate the many
options and make those important decisions that determine the course of
your summer. My 10-year-old daughter is already a veteran of overnight
camps -- taking it in stride since the second grade. But my 7-year-old
son is a different story. "Is your child ready for overnight camp?"
gives great ideas for easing little skeptics into the world of
campfires and "Kumbaya." Should your child's every activity be
challenging, stimulating, and educational? Our award-winning education
reporter Linda Morgan takes up the topic in "Staying school sharp during summer."

That summer calendar is filling up fast, but not before I block out our
precious week of family camping on Mount Rainier. The storm damage on
the mountain is heartbreaking to so many families that use this
magnificent natural playground. This year, we're packing shovels along
with our s'mores supplies, joining a work party to move a little mud
and hopefully make a little difference ("Mending a mountain"). It's a chance to give back, and to have a summer experience like no other.

-- Kristen Dobson, Managing Editor


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