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Pretty and Delicious: 8 Fun Edible Flowers to Plant With Kids

Brighten up your garden — and your dinner plates — with these best-bet blooms

stacey brewer

Published on: March 26, 2021

Quiche decorated with vegetables and edible flowers

All-star edible flowers to sow with your little seedling

My little urban farm is situated on a 4,000-square-foot lot in the heart of Seattle. In the 2,500 square feet that are not taken up by my house, I’ve made it my mission to grow as much food as I can.

Since space is an issue, I don’t often grow something just because it’s beautiful. I like to choose plants that give me a lot of bang for my buck, and that’s why I think these flowers are so fantastic.

All of these beauties can be sown from seed, so they are as easy on the budget as they are on the eye. Also, most of them are edible and the pollinators love them as much as I do!

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