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The Perfect Holiday Card

Published on: December 30, 2013

stephanieolsonholidayAs most of you who have spent any time reading my posts or looking at my blog realize, I am not burdened by the constraints of perfectionism. I do not spend time fretting over details. This is, at times, wonderful and, at times, not so helpful. C’est la vie.

But I found it odd that just after using this photo to create our annual holiday card, I read an article on what used to be MSNBC about the quest for the perfect holiday card photo.

Hogwash, people! My favorites are the ones that are purposely imperfect. If you had told me last year that I would send out a picture of myself in a swimsuit to 85 of our nearest & dearest I would have called you crazy.

Not only am I half naked, I’m not wearing makeup and my hair is wet. Oh, and I look mildly crazed. And … one of our kids is not even participating! Well, so be it. The siren song of this photo called to me.

A very happy, imperfect holiday to all of you!

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stephanieolson1Stephanie Olson is a mother of two boys who lives and writes in Seattle. She believes her golden rule in parenting “Just wipe it off on your pants!” will be her epitaph someday. It has gotten us through pretty well thus far! Read more of Stephanie's work on her blog, Ma Swell Vie.

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