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National Historical Park Encampment

Calendar/Event Details

Re-enactors from throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada will once again celebrate peace as they gather for the 18th Annual Encampment. The three day weekend includes recreations of mid-19th century Royal Marine Light Infantry and U.S. Army camp life, demonstrations of music, blacksmithing, spinning and weaving, sewing, cooperage and carpentry, along with the pageantry of period uniforms in scarlet and blue. Black powder rifled musket demonstrations and the firing of howitzer also are planned each day.

As always, Saturday evening will be the Candlelight Ball, scheduled at 8:00 p.m., in the English Camp barracks. The public is invited to join in the dancing and refreshments that will include the traditional cake and punch. As it has since its inception in 1998, Encampment commemorates the peaceful joint occupation of San Juan Island by British and American forces from 1859 to 1872, and final settlement of the Northwest Boundary dispute. 

Event Details