Join us to learn more about why orcas love raingardens.
Our Southern Resident orcas are considered to be the most polluted marine mammals in the world. Researchers have found dangerously high toxic loads that can cause several health problems. The biggest source of toxics in Puget Sound comes from stormwater runoff. We can reduce the amount of stormwater entering Puget Sound, and we can clean up the stormwater that does reach the Sound. The solution is raingardens!
Orcas Love Raingardens highlights the link between our Southern Resident orcas and polluted toxic runoff, along with raingardens as a resource (both on the ground and educational) available to our community. We will explore options for schools, parks, and neighborhoods in Tacoma to get involved with orca conservation by planning and installing more raingardens throughout our communities. If we are going to coexist with orcas, we all need to come together to create proactive, community-driven solutions.
--Overview of the orcas-raingarden connection
--Screening of Polluted Puddles: Arlo’s Quest to Clean-up Our Mess
--Panel Discussion with Q&A
--OPTIONAL: Tour of the new Point Defiance Stormwater Treatment Facility, led by Jessica Knickerbocker, project lead from City of Tacoma
Representatives from the City of Tacoma, Pierce Conservation District, Metro Parks, and Tacoma Public Schools will discuss their projects to install more raingardens, resources available to the public, and plans to coordinate and expand community raingardens throughout Tacoma.
Please RSVP to either Danielle Shaw (danielle@wecprotects.org) or Robb Krehbiel (rkrehbiel@defenders.org).
This event will be at the Point Defiance Pagoda.