The Roman statesman and oratory hotshot Cicero is quoted as saying, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” In the November issue of ParentMap, we explore this progenitor of all character traits — its astonishing array of health and wellness benefits, its power to improve our relationships and outcomes across so many key life success measures. We asked a number of experts (including the guy who wrote the book!) to share some terrific practical ideas for cultivating an everyday attitude of gratitude in our children and in ourselves.
There are other ways to combat the gloom and doom of these uncertain times! Consult our November Play List for best bets to get the most out of our gorgeous PNW fall days; consider a trip back in time with your little pardners to Western-themed Winthrop; dip your toes into virtual reality tech; or add some learning play to your virtual school curriculum with gameschooling options.