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7 Sweet Holiday Traditions From Local Families 

ParentMap readers share their favorite ways to celebrate the season

Published on: December 03, 2021


The holidays are a great time to bond with your family and make lasting memories. We recently reached out to our ParentMap audience and asked them to share their favorite family traditions with us. The answers were so sweet, we just had to share some of them. Perhaps you’ll find some new ideas to incorporate into your own holiday family traditions.

Anne Auguiste's two kids at Christmas

“On a random night, we leave tickets for ‘The Polar Express’ in our kids' bedroom. When they find them we turn on ‘The Polar Express’ soundtrack and then get in the car and drive around and look at Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies. 🙂 It is by far their favorite tradition, and we always make it work, no matter how tight things are!”  — Anne Auguiste

“I get my kids 5 to 7 books for Christmas, write a fun poem about why I chose it for them, wrap them and then give them one every other night or so, starting a few weeks before Christmas. Now in high school, they still look forward to their Christmas books (and I enjoy the search for each of them). Island Books is a great source of inspiration!” — Rebecca Nord

“I love baking for neighbors, especially those I haven't met or seen in a while, or those from cultures who don't celebrate Christmas. Then we dress up in Santa hats and load our red wagon with baked goods and my kiddos, and we stroll around the neighborhood delivering them on Christmas Eve. We also love hanging lights all over the house, listening to Christmas carols and hearing others caroling in the neighborhood.” — Ali Ritter

“We love making fudge and cookies, watching ‘Elf’ and ‘Year Without a Santa Claus,’ and then loading up our thermoses with hot cocoa and driving around to see Christmas lights.” ❄️ — Jessi Colio

“Making cinnamon rolls from scratch on Christmas Eve Day, then eating them for breakfast Christmas morning. My mom did it as a kid, I did it as a kid and now I’m doing it with my kids.” 🥰 — Alyse Aanestad

“We wrap 25 books and do a reading countdown to Christmas with the kids. We all look forward to it every year.” — Mitali Joshi

“Baking everyone’s favorite goodies! Making potica with my dad and all the other things you only make once a year.” — Sandy Vehovc Sander

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