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ParentMap Calendar Submission Guidelines

Published on: May 14, 2013

Thanks for submitting your family-friendly community events to the ParentMap family fun calendar! Here are tips for submitting the information correctly.

3 tips before you add your event:

  • Please do a search on our calendar (enter a single keyword) to make sure your event has not already been added before adding yours. (Remember, we add a lot of events ourselves to the calendar.)
  • Make sure the event you want to add fits our criteria: We publish family-friendly community events that are open to the public. We don't publish events that require a membership to a specific organization, events for adults only (unless they're parent learning events) or ongoing classes or camps.
  • When you've finished the process of adding your information, don't forget to hit the "submit" button at the bottom of the page. If nothing happens, go back and make sure you've completed all required fields.

Publication process

We receive many, many submissions; we process them as quickly again but prioritize events that are happening in the near future. If your event is happening soon and it's still not on our calendar, feel free to email us at

Getting an event published in the monthly magazine

The process is exactly the same; if you submit an event to our online calendar, we will consider it for our print calendar. However, you need to submit an event at least 5–6weeks before the beginning of the month in which you hope the event will appear. (If you want to submit an event for the October calendar, you'll ideally need to submit an event to the online calendar by about August 20.) We can only list a selection of events in the print calendar.

Tips on accurately submitting an event

Title of event: Put the title in initial caps (Taming Your Baby Workshop, Free Community Picnic in the Park).

Image: An image is required. Logos and flyers crop poorly; for best results, use an image that's about 900 x 600 pixels.

Event-specific website. Please add a url that directly links to event information so people can find out more.

Event cost: The format we use for prices is “Adults $30, children $19” or "$19–$30."

Categorize your event: These fields help our search engine categorize your event accurately. Important note: Please don't mark your event as free unless it truly is absolutely free. If visitors still have to pay an admission cost, it's *not* a free event.

How to edit a calendar entry that you've submitted

If you've submitted an event and you need to change something, send an email to

Criteria for publication

In general, if it's an event of interest to families in the greater Puget Sound area, we will publish it. However, we do limit the number of entries per day from an organization. We generally will publish no more than seven instances per week of any one organization's events, though exceptions may be made.

Also, we are a calendar of events; we do not publish general listings for organizations that are open every day.

As noted earlier, for our print magazine calendar, we can only publish a select few events. Thank you!

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