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Impossibly Cool: Iceland's Top Adventures With Kids

Geothermal drama, icebergs and puffins


Published on: October 16, 2017

Impossibly Cool: Iceland's Top Adventures With Kids

Iceland's Puffins | Credit: Trent McBride (mctrent) on flickr CC

Watch puffins take flight off the Westman Islands

Did you know that over 60 percent of the world’s puffins can be found in Iceland during the summer months when they breed? The birds arrive in late April and are gone by the end of August. You can rent a car, drive to Landeyjahöfn harbor and take a ferry over to Vestmannaeyjar to view these adorable birds, or take a boat tour around the islands that the puffins call home. Other spots to view the birds in the Westman islands are Heimaey, Lundey and Akurey. All three are best seen via a tour boat that can get you close — but not too close to disturb these soon-to-be parents.

Cool puffin fact: Puffins only lay one egg per year. They will keep the same breeding mate and usually breed in the same spot year after year.

Best time to enjoy: May through August

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