15 Magical (and Cheap) Holiday Outings Around the South Sound

Fantasy Lights, Spanaway
If you've already done Zoolights, or if you want something more budget-friendly, consider Fantasy Lights at Spanaway Park, a less expensive, drive-through option presented by Pierce County Parks and Recreation. Fantasy Lights runs every evening from Nov. 28, 2019–Jan. 1, 2020; 5:30–9 p.m. (including Christmas and New Year's). Families can stay warm and cozy while they drive slowly through the display, taking in fanciful sights. A radio station (FM 95.3) plays accompanying holiday music. It’s half-corny/half-magical — the very best kind of holiday outing.
Note: The special Fantasy Lights Walk now offers two days to stretch your legs and stroll the route, Saturday–Sunday, Nov. 23–24.
Price: $15/car; look for half-off deals on select nights (just $8 for the whole carload) and discounts for tickets purchased in person at Lakewood Community Center and Sprinker Recreation Center or with this coupon.