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Kid Craft: Personal First-Aid Kits Made from Mint Tins

Published on: December 30, 2013

There are creative people out there who do amazing things with mint tins.

You can too!

Even though July is prime outdoors time, we still have the odd cloudy morning or drizzly day here in the Pacific Northwest. Spend some of that time with your kids making first aid kits out of your old mint tins.

The wee ones can paint, embellish or decorate the tins with glitter glue, buttons, "jewels", etc. Or go the conventional route and paint the mint tin white with a red cross on top.

Inside, nestle a few supplies like alcohol wipes, band-aids, quarters for a phone call and any other mini thing you want with you in an emergency? (In our family, a small hard candy goes a long way toward comforting an injured party).

When the weather clears up again, take the first aid kits along on your playground dates and picnics.


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