Meaningful life event

Published on: October 18, 2010

Greater Good Event

CEU credits

Presented by ParentMap and The Greater Good Science Center

Do you wish you were happier? Wish your marriage was stronger? Want to make your life feel more calm, satisfying, meaningful? World-renowned marriage expert John Gottman, Ph.D. will present his newest research into why marriages succeed or fail at a special event in Seattle on Nov. 5. Dr. Gottman’s talk is part of a day-long seminar in Seattle on the science of compassion and happiness.


A presentation by Dr. John Gottman
$25/Gottman only
November 5, 2010, 1-2:30 p.m.
Town Hall Seattle, Seattle map/directions

Learn how to develop a stronger and more trusting relationship with your romantic partner!

RSVP: click here


Dacher Keltner

The Meaningful Life Event
$129/includes Gottman
November 5, 2010, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Town Hall Seattle, Seattle map/directions

Renowned psychology professor Dr. Dacher Keltner leads this remarkable all-day workshop. 

RSVP: click here  


Led by Dacher Keltner, a renowned professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and the founding faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center, the day-long discussion will draw on cutting-edge research from psychology and neuroscience to reveal the deep roots of human goodness. Dr. Keltner will explain why humans have strong propensities for caring and compassionate behavior, and highlight the strong connections between happiness, compassion, and altruism, identifying the health and social benefits that come from practicing trust, empathy, gratitude, kindness, and other positive behaviors.

The seminar will also feature a special guest presentation by John Gottman, marriage and parenting expert. Dr. Gottman will explain how attendees can develop stronger, more compassionate, and more trusting relationships with their romantic partners and others. He will focus on how to practice constructive, compassionate conflict resolution in relationships, including (but not limited to) marriages. He will also discuss how that approach is complicated after one partner has betrayed the other, and explain how can partners restore trust, compassion, and empathy to their relationship after such a betrayal has occurred. Ultimately, he will identify principles and practices that are vital to any healthy relationship.

CEU creditsProfessional credits: CEUs are available for mental-health professionals attending the all-day seminar. Also, Puget Sound Educational Service District has approved this course for (6) clock hours. Please be sure to sign in when you arrive. Bring a check for $12 payable to PSESD, and fill in the "Clock Hour Request" form. Attach your check to the top copy of the request form and turn both in to the Clock Hour Registrar at the conclusion of the workshop. Keep the second (pink) copy of the form for your records.

Presented by the Greater Good Science Center and ParentMap with the generous support of these sponsors:

Seattle Children's

Kirlin Foundation

Community of Mindful Parents

Talaris Institute

Agenda (All sections led by Dacher Keltner unless otherwise noted)

8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Registration and check in

9:00 - 10:30 The evolution and neuroscience of social well-being

10:30 - 10:45 Break

10:45 - 12:00 Compassion, empathy, and gratitude as paths to social well-being and the meaningful life

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:00 - 2:30 John Gottman, PhD, on fostering empathy and trust in relationships (included with seminar, or buy tickets separately)

2:30 - 2:45 Break

2:45 - 3:30 Breakdowns in social and emotional well-being: autism, depression, antisocial disorder

3:30 - 3:45 Break

3:45 - 4:45 Practical steps toward cultivating happiness and compassion in yourself and others

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the connections between compassion and happiness

  • Develop effective ways to handle stress and maintain a more resilient, compassionate approach toward other people

  • Diagnose the root causes of anti-social behavior, such as aggression and autism

  • Cultivate compassion and trust in relationships with spouses, children, and others

  • Use research-based practices to boost happiness in themselves and others

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