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Kong Academy

Living Room Ninja: Virtual Summer Camps

Kong Academy

Kong Academy

Living Room Ninja: Virtual Summer Camps

In-person summer camps cancelled? Want some fun and engaging indoor activities? Ever built an indoor obstacle course and done some ninja training? Now is the time! Kong Academy provides a unique opportunity to move, learn, and connect with peers in a fun, interactive and engaging way and to turn into a ninja during summer break!!

Living Room Ninja Camp
In this live virtual 3 hour summer camp led by our awesome instructors, participants will safely learn to progress through the basic parkour movements of jumping, vaulting, balancing, and rolling. The sessions will include interactive movement games, arts and crafts sessions (build everything a ninja needs!), skill progressions, and connecting with your local and virtual community.

  • Regiseter HERE for the Living Room Ninja Camp
  • Ages 6-12
  • Cost: $195
  • 9am to 12pm
  • 4 weeks: June 22, June 29, July 13 and July 20

​Dungeons and Dragons Camp
Enter a world of imagination, where participants become a hero and adventurer in their own right. Delve into dungeons, fight dragons, learn to weave stories and play with others in this virtual tabletop game. The 3 hour D&D camp will provide critical components such as teamwork, problem solving, acting, and expanding your creativity. It also will help students stay connected with friends and make new ones!

  • ​​Register HERE for the Dungeons and Dragons Camp
  • Ages 9-13
  • Cost: $195
  • 2pm to 5pm
  • 6 weeks: June 22, June 29, July 6, July 13, July 20, August 13

    We are a dedicated community of committed teachers ready to share our fun activities with you!


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