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Spectrums, Disorders, and Real Life with Children!

Calendar/Event Details


//MERIT STARS CEUs available//

You are invited to a heartfelt discussion of our children's and students' quirks, difficulties, and gifts! This workshop is intended for care givers, teachers, administrators, parents, and others who care for children and families. Working with current research and resources, this workshop demystifies some of the confusions that currently exist between "disorders" and sensory integration and sensory processing issues, with a look at useful tools and practices that go beyond labels and medication. We will look at attachment relationships, stress, emotional control, parenting, sleep, accommodations in the classroom, and many other environmental factors well within our control! Participants will gain an understanding of differing viewpoints of commonly found "disorders," including ADD, ADHD, ASD, ODD, OCD, SPD, and APD. Participants will discover similarities and differences between children who exhibit overly-sensitive and under-sensitive behaviors, including common misunderstandings and misinterpretations of these behaviors. Tools useful in the classroom and at home will be presented as well.

**STARS Core Competency content areas:**

//Early Care & Education Professionals://

Child Growth & Development Levels 1-3
Families & Community Partnerships Levels 1-3

Event Details