The lord of Camlann invites you to attend his Michelmasse Festival, with cider pressing, puppetry, music, crafts, archery, and minstrels. Come to Somersetshire, ancient realm of Arthur the king, as our morning trumpet & charter proclamation open the village gates upon the colorful world of Chaucer's England in 1376. The pace is leisurely: everything does not happen at once. The scale is small, intimate: leave behind the hectic 21st century.
Cider-pressing Demonstrations
Japes & sleight of hand by Paynes Magykes
Puppetry & Music by Jacob Priestley's troop, Jankyns Mynstrels
Long Bow Archery Demonstrations. Village Freemen
Sheep petting for young & old
Villagers demonstrate wool dyeing, blacksmithing, carpentry, cider pressing, weaving, spinning, pottery making, and cottage life.
Craft presentations at Camlann are chosen to feature the kind of hand-made goods that were produced in the middle ages. Preference is given to artisans who can demonstrate the use of medieval tools and techniques.
At the Interpretive Center / Museum Shop you may purchase books, gifts, textiles, and replica pottery incorporating medieval art designs. Join in our village life - - you can wear or rent fine attire, shoot the longbow, and try the games of skill.
Festival Food: You may sit down at The Bors Head and order ale, wine or mead with a hot lunch (NOON - 3:00 pm); Order in advance your tickets for the wondrous Michelmasse Feast (begins at 5:00 pm).