The Northshore Lagoon swimming pool at McMenamins' Anderson Schools is open! The Anderson School's pool is a full-size saltwater swimming pool with temperatures of 88-90 degrees, open to all ages.
Swim sessions are one hour (on the hour) and must be booked in advance by calling 425-219-4359. (A voicemail will not reserve your spot). Capacity is limited. Read full details and procedures at this link.
Partial list of rules: Children under 6 years old must have an adult in the water with theml all swimmers under age 17 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (must be in pool area); arrive ready to swimas locker room access is restricted; no food or drink allowed.
Please note: If at any time lifeguards are unable to see the entire pool, deck and drains, the pool must be closed for the safety of our swimmers.
Image credit: Kathleen Nyberg