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Ranger Walk

Calendar/Event Details

Interested in a weekend activity that's both fun and educational? Bring the whole family to the Lake Hills Greenbelt Ranger Station for a ranger-led walk! Every Saturday from 2-3 p.m., join us for a mild 1-mile nature hike through the Greenbelt's trails and discover the season's myriad of flora and fauna. Wear your favorite weather-appropriate outdoor clothing and shoes, and feel free to bring personal wildlife-viewing gear (e.g. binoculars or magnifying glasses) to further enjoy the park. If you're feeling especially energized, continue on to the Larsen Lake trail loop and use your newfound knowledge to explore. We'll be heading out rain or shine, so come prepared to learn and have a great time!

Ages: Best for all ages. Cost: Free! Pre-registration required. Pre-register at All participants must wear a face mask and maintain 6 ft distancing. Maximum enrollment 10. Outdoor only. All activities are modified to maintain social distancing.

Click the link to register. Search "Ranger" in the keyword box.

Event Details