Do you want to set you and your family up for sleep success? Are you ready to improve your baby or toddler's current nap or nighttime sleep situation? Join Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi for an informative dedicated to helping your family get a better night's sleep!
In this session, she will answer all your questions about newborn, infant and toddler sleep patterns and discuss topics such as:
- Normal sleep development
- Setting up a sleep/wake schedule
- Sleep inducing routines
- Sleep training
- Sleep regressions
- Dropping Naps/bap transitions
- Sleep when traveling
- Sleep changes when starting daycare
Come talk to an expert who can tailor their guidance to you and your child's personality! Remember you're not alone and there is hope for more restful nights! Babies are always welcome to attend with you. Partners are encouraged to sign-up as well.
This class occurs every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month