This 15th anniversary and Superhero issue is graced by 10 magical humans. These champions show up to support kids and families in need. Like you, they’re dedicated to nurturing our precious little ones who, maybe one day, will grow to be cape-worthy contributors to our forever changing and challenging world.
Among this year’s Superheroes is “The Healer” Dila Perera of Open Arms Perinatal Services, who elevated us with her advice: “If you can help your child become a loving person who believes in justice for everyone, then they will carry that forward.”
Not to be outdone, the contagiously positive presence of Garfield High School’s Coach Joey makes him the perfect “be the change you want to see in the world” mentor. And lucky me that I got to chat with our iconic lieutenant governor, Cyrus Habib. After losing his eyesight at age 8, Habib overcame myriad challenges, in part due to his big brain and heart and to his devoted and tenacious mother.
Also among our 2018 Superheroes: T’wina Franklin, president and CEO of the Tacoma Urban League. Her impassioned “dream it, create it, pursue it” message inspired me, particularly as we spoke in the horrifically dark days after yet another school shooting, the Parkland massacre. Her closing words shook me to my core: “Real policy change requires us to hold our lawmakers responsible. We must stay on them so they are held accountable!”
And stay on them we will!
What better time to amplify the formidable voices of the next generation of Superheroes: the teens who said enough is enough and took to the streets. They’ve turned up the volume on a much-needed voice of activism. Shame on us that we gave them a world that we’re not proud of and where they are not protected.
It’s time for a change!
At ParentMap, our goal is to champion the voices of these teens and their educators who are working to change our nation. We will give voice to educators who beg us to #ArmMeWithBooks and to students who say #EnoughIsEnough. All of us must act so that #NeverAgain means no child will ever again be slaughtered in school, a place where they should feel safe and uplifted by learning.
Our commitment is to provide editorial, advertising and social space for voices in support of common sense gun laws, until that advocacy is no longer needed. Join us for resources and action.