7 Best Places for Your Family Photo Shoot

JiaYing Grygiel
Where to say 'cheese' for a beautiful family photo
The kids are growing so fast, you want to send out holiday cards... it seems it's always a good time to capture your crew in a memorable family photo. Whether you’ve booked a photographer or prefer to snap your own pics with a timer or help of a friend, you need a fantastic location for your family photo shoot.
Things to consider: the season and the weather, because soggy children don’t photograph well. You’ll want your kids to be relaxed and having fun. Little ones won’t stay photo-ready for long, so pick a place that's relatively easy to get to without long car-ride meltdowns or impromptu naps. And unless you want photo bombers, pick a place that's not too busy.
To help, we’ve rounded up seven gorgeous Seattle-area location options that fit these general criteria. All of them are free, except as noted, and provide a variety of scenic Northwest-style backdrops.
Check out our 8 tips for great family photos for more on what to wear, ideal weather and more.