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10 Garden Crafts for Kids

Cultivate those little green thumbs by trying one of these springtime gardening DIY projects

Jen Betterley

Published on: April 09, 2020

10 Garden Crafts for Kids

Plating a pizza

Pizza planting party

Pizza is most definitely an easy way to win over your kids (and their friends), so why not make a garden that's dedicated to doing just that, like this pizza garden served up on the DIY Network?

To get started on your own perfect-pie garden, simply plant any and all of the ingredients that traditionally work well on a pizza — tomatoes, oregano, basil, green peppers, etc. Considering the variety of toppings that are available on pizzas today, the options are endless! (Sure, there's no such thing as a pepperoni tree, but what about spinach and garlic?) Check out the full post for excellent tips on getting started in the garden — and for how to make your garden actually look like a real pizza!

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