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Fourth of July Crafts: Make Red, White and Blue Art for the Holiday

Celebrate Independence Day with these patriotic arts and crafts

Published on: June 25, 2016

Photo credit: Art&Soul Studios

Having a few little ones over for your Fourth of July BBQ? These art activities will sure to please even your smallest guest.

Photo credit: Art&Soul Studios

Firework String Painting 

How you make them:

  1. Set up your drop cloth on a table or the floor. (Floors are always a great working surface for little ones.)
  2. Pour a glob of paint in each bowl making sure that each child has their own red, white and blue paint bowl
  3. Add a splash of water to each color so that the string easily takes up the color.
  4. Dip the strings into the bowls, leaving a clean end for the kids to hang onto and get to painting!

Photo credit: Art&Soul Studios

Kid-Friendly Spray Paint  

How you do it:

  1. Either hang the paper or put it down on a drop cloth.
  2. Put a few drops of water color and some water in each spray bottle. Add more water color if you want to color to be more concentrated.
  3. Let the kids at it! They can spray the paper making firework like marks. If you do have a hanging piece of paper, this will be a fun art idea they can collaborate on. 

Photo credit: Art&Soul Studios

Fourth of July Sun Catchers 

How you make them:

  1. Pour glue into the yogurt lid, not letting it fill to the top but about halfway.
  2. Let each child use a dropper to add dots of red and blue water color.
  3. Once the drops are in, give each child a stick or skewer to move the color around in the glue. 
  4. When done, let the glue dry over night before peeling it out.
  5. To hang, punch a small hole near one of the sides and string yarn through.

Photo credit: Art&Soul Studios

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