Credit: Holiday wreath from Fortunate Orchard
End-of-the-year holiday shopping has always been a critical time of the year for retailers, but the COVID-19 pandemic has presented merchants in 2020 with a challenge of epic proportions. Seattle’s small businesses need your support at this time, and whether you shop masked and in person, online or a combination of the two, your shopping can help sustain the livelihood of local independent retail and service business owners.
The pandemic has especially impacted small business owners of color. While the City of Seattle recently announced $1.7 million in funding support for BIPOC-led civic organizations, the reach of this funding pales in comparison to what a shopper’s dollar can do directly. So, go spend your holiday money supporting your entrepreneurial neighbors!
We’ve identified a number of amazing local BIPOC-owned businesses, from floral creations and unique photography to gifts of something special “just for me” (that’s you, Mom!). This list is not exhaustive, but is a starting point for finding that special small BIPOC-owned business to support.
Once you’ve perused our picks in the following slides, check out the additional links below to discover and support other BIPOC-owned businesses, this season and every season: