This musical adaptation of Twelfth Night has all the hilarious hijinks and unrequited love of Shakespeare’s famous comedy. A mistaken identity sets off a chain of events that has everything topsy-turvy. As these classic characters sing of romance and shenanigans, audiences will be transported to a mythical land of love. This adaptation translates Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night into contemporary language, turning the soliloquies into songs. By doing this, the musical maintains Shakespeare’s poetic sense while making it approachable for those who are intimidated by Shakespeare and presenting a new perspective for those who are already fans. Associate Artistic Director Karen Lund directs. There is a Pay What You Can performance on July 17 and no performance July 24.
Wednesday-Thursdays 7:30 p.m., Fridays 8 p.m., Saturdays 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.