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Inter-Generational Nature Walks

Calendar/Event Details

The Children's Garden Committee will be hosting FREE, INTER-GENERATIONAL NATURE WALKS on the 4th Saturday of each month, starting on March 30th!

We are excited to begin a brand new partnership with Seattle Audubon and Beavers Northwest, including lots of new hands-on exploration activities!  We invite all ages to attend: grandparents, couples and individuals, parents and kids! Seattle Audubon will be providing binoculars for all, and there will be multiple naturalists and/or bird experts at each walk to help guide everyone.

Inter-generational Nature Walks for adults and kids of all ages include:

  • Children’s Garden Naturalists, Seattle Audubon Master Birders, and experts from Beavers Northwest to guide wildlife-watching, identification, answer your nature questions, and more;
  • Stroller and wheelchair-accessible hikes through the Magnuson Park Wetlands Complex and Historic District;
  • Binoculars provided for all, courtesy of Seattle Audubon.
  • Plenty of explore-and-learn activities, such as pond water sampling, wildlife watching and identification, scavenger hunts and other hands-on activities!
  • No registration necessary
  • PLEASE NOTE: if start location says "TBA", check the website before heading out so you know where to meet!


Saturday, June 22nd from 10-11:30am: Daytime Nature Walk in the Magnuson wetlands, with songbird activities, wetland pond water sampling, and more. Walk start location TBA.

Saturday, July 27th from 8:30-10:00pm: Nighttime Bats & Beavers Walk in the Magnuson wetlands, with special guest Michelle Noe from Bats NW, and more. Walk start location TBA.

Saturday, August 24th from 10-11:30am: Daytime Nature Walk in the Magnuson wetlands, with wetland pond water sampling, “nature’s grocery store”, and more. Walk start location TBA.

Event Details