1. First we heard that 37-year-old Google wunderkind Marissa Mayer was named as Yahoo’s new CEO. On the heels of that, she announced to Fortune that she was pregnant (a boy), due in October. Check out The Atlantic’s piece, which pulls up for context a 1992 piece on the impossibility of a pregnant CEO; and Lisa Belkin’s look at why women “at the top” are different.
2. This just in: The Boy Scouts reaffirm ban on gays, contending that “most Scout families support the policy, which applies to both leaders and Scouts.”
3. The New York Times publishes an in-depth piece about how changing family structures (41 percent of births in the U.S. now occur outside of marriage) are increasing inequities, particularly for kids. Slate calls the article puritanical and alarmist.
4. Watch: 6-year-old drumming prodigy Jaxon Smith rock out to the Foo Fighters.
5. If you can stomach more Sandusky news: Last Thursday, a 267-page investigative report was released finding “total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims by the most senior leaders at Penn State” and blaming in part a “culture of reverence for the football program.”
6. It’s not just the “Seattle chill.” The New York Times looks at why it’s more difficult to make friends your 30s and 40s.
7. News you can use: Seattle Mama Doc’s tantrum taming tips.
8. For those of you who work from home (I’m raising my hand while at the kitchen table), a good piece from The Atlantic Wire on how other work-at-homers — with and without kids — organize their day to make it work.