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Kids, Teens and Technology - ParentMap Lecture by Katie LeClerc Greer

Calendar/Event Details


Katie Greer is a pioneer in children's cyber-safety and national expert on the fast-changing digital world as experienced by today's youth. This talk is aimed at parents of ages 6-18.

Greer has served as the Director of Internet Safety at the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office, and Intelligence Analyst with the Massachusetts State Police. She now uses her unique background to educate schools, law enforcement agencies, national conferences, and community organizations across the country on the safe use of technology.

Ms Greer's engaging approach is informed and up-to-the-minute, using real-world examples to outline the dangers young users encounter and measures adults can take to promote child/teen safety in our ever-changing, technology-driven society.

Parents will learn concrete strategies to help manage access to social media, teach the importance of privacy, and tackle tough conversations about topics like sexting and cyber-bullying. The goal is help kids/teens across the nation stay safe online and become smart, responsible digital citizens.

Event Details