Seattle Children's experts discuss how best to support struggling teens
Lean what to say from the experts at Seattle Children’s Hospital
New national hotline offers mental health support
Here’s what parents need to know
Back-to-school is a really challenging time for kids
Mental health issues in children and teens are on the rise — here’s what parents can do
Online tools to help kids cope with issues from stress to suicide
A Parkland mom wants parents to know about gun safety
How to support your teen's mental health amidst social isolation and loneliness
Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth ages 10 to 24 aims to end teen suicide by 2030
Laura Kastner, Ph.D., offers this advice
It shouldn't take a viral prank to get us worried about what kids see and do online
What you need to know about the show’s mature content
Read this before those fall sports practices start
"Saying I feel alone is an understatement"
5 questions with a local doctor
Because not talking about suicide is worse
Is resilience the answer to a stressed kid?
You don't want to know, but you should
The death of WSU quarterback Tyler Hilinski is a call to action
A mother and son figure out what they both need to thrive
The link between self-harm and internet usage
Warning signs, resources and how to help your child
The Michelle Carter suicide texting case is a lesson for parents
Have you seen this new Netflix show?
Earlier research also found an increase in suicide
This is a crucial age for brain development