Seattle-Area Places to Go With Kids Amid Coronavirus Fears

Walking the bluff at Seattle's Discovery Park. Credit: Nancy Chaney
Nature therapy
Our area is "ground zero" for coronavirus in the United States, and local families are rightly concerned. Many local school districts have closed, Gov. Jay Inslee has banned large gatherings, and many companies have instituted broad work-from-home policies.
Many local families are facing the prospect of being stuck at home with kids for weeks to come.
While we of course urge everyone to follow the advice of public health officials and use their best judgment on what's right for their family's particular situation, some people might want to get outside and do something.
In the spirit of avoiding big crowds and finding fresh air — alongside getting the wiggles out — we offer these outing ideas for families around Seattle, the Eastside and South Sound. These are places that aren't typically full of people and there isn't a lot to touch, though you'll want to pack your hand sanitizer and practice good handwashing techniques with your kids wherever you go.