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Three thousand four hundred and sixty.

Published on: December 30, 2013

On the evening news tonight was a story about Haiti.

How rising food costs have made it impossible for the poorest Haitians to afford any food at all. To keep hunger at bay they eat "cookies" made of dirt, vegetable shortening and salt.

It was one of those stories that leaves your heart hurting and wondering what you can do. It's a frustrating disconnect to see my refrigerator full with a Metropolitan Market just down the street. Here, help yourself. Let me get you what you need. But for some reason the 3,460 miles between Seattle and Haiti make it seem impossible to share what I have. What we have.

For all we've done as a generation, and all we've done as a people - hunger still alludes us. Dirt cookies are still the best alternative for some. has an uplifting philosophy on making meaningful change for people in poverty. They provide tools for self-sufficiency and a road map for recipient to become donor - passing along livestock, know how and food. On their website they ask: what if we ended world hunger?

Yes. What if.

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