In a recent appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” actor Keanu Reeves (of excellent adventure fame) was asked about bearing up during times of high anxiety. His chief piece of advice: “Breathe.” Such a simple but powerful Rx for counteracting the stress of our ongoing pandemic life — and a mindfulness technique even a very young child can master and employ in anxious moments.
Within the pages of our January issue, you’ll find more advice for charting your family’s physical and mental well-being in the new year. From understanding the signs of childhood depression to “super parenting” strategies that help motivate kids with ADHD, setting achievable wellness resolutions to expert advice on COVID-19 vaccinations for young children and more, we share the latest expert advice for navigating your family’s health.
Plus, don’t miss out on the most healing of all activities: Play it forward in 2022 by adding the best new Puget Sound playgrounds debuted in 2021 to your circuit.