Here's a look at the stuff and stories we're crushing on this month!
Swag: Check out the must-haves for moms in our montly Raves.
Swagger: Hilarity ensued when we saw this hip-hop minivan ad.
Bag it: Bad news for baby showers! Scroll down and find the gifts you should skip!
Meet cute: Who's a baby meerkat? You are! Yes, you are!
Noms for nuttin': Our labor of luv for local parents - an ever-growing list of places where kids eat free!
Whine with that? Ten ways to cheer up cranky kids.
Mom posse: Can you stay friends with non-moms?
Other buzz 'round ParentMap world HQ: Giant Magnet opens May 11...Seattle Art Museum's new exhibit on Kurt Cobain opens May 13...Facebook contest! Friend us this month and you could win a swanky romantic getaway!