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Thank you, Mr. President: A Gun Violence Survivor and Advocate Responds

"I am pleased to witness President Obama’s strong commitment to the cause of reducing gun violence in this country finally come to fruition"


Published on: January 05, 2016

Editor's note: This morning, when President Obama announced executive actions on gun violence prevention, we reached out to 2015 ParentMap Superhero Cheryl Stumbo for her thoughts. Cheryl was the citizen filer for the background check initiative that passed in Washington state in 2014, I-594. 

Cheryl Stumbo, Photo credit: Will Austin

As a nine-year survivor of gun violence, and as the aunt of a then-14-year-old niece who was involved in and deeply affected by the shooting where I was critically injured, I am pleased to witness President Obama’s strong commitment to the cause of reducing gun violence in this country finally come to fruition in whatever legal way it took him to achieve it.

It is clear that the President and his advisors have carefully studied the legal, constitutional aspects of the situation and are responding with a measured compromise and series of actions that will still make us all safer while protecting our Second Amendment rights.

As The Washington Post summarized, “If you’re making a living selling guns, you’re a gun dealer — and you should be running background checks.”

Now, prosecutors will be able to better enforce the law prohibiting people from engaging in the business of selling guns without a license, without background checks — and law enforcement will have a better tool to crack down on the traffickers flooding our streets with illegal guns.

Every member of Congress should appreciate this: A strong majority of all U.S. citizens, including, and especially responsible gun owners, support stronger enforcement of existing laws, and more funding for access to mental healthcare.  

Read more about the executive actions on The Washington Post and see ParentMap's coverage of this issue, from school safety to child access prevention. 

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