We stress, we fret, we angst over it: how to get our kids to meet academic standards.
Hey! I know! Let’s just lower the standards!
That’s the thinking the Seattle School Board revealed with their latest plan – to lower graduation requirements from a C GPA to a D.
Love that life-lesson for the kids. Can’t finish your five-page report? No prob – let’s make it 3 pages! We’ll turn long-distance running into short-distance running! And about those music lessons – sure, we all know practice makes perfect. But less practice makes less perfect and, really, in the big picture, so what?
Raising the bar for student achievement is so yesterday; if we can sack the WASL we can certainly deep-six those pesky graduation measures.
Next on the SSB agenda: “New Math, Old Math, Everyday Math - Who Cares, It’s All Just Numbers.”