Baby Animals at Local Zoos You Must See Now

Beaver kit getting a check-up at PDZA. Credit: Katie Cotterill
Baby beaver
This adorable beaver kit was born late last month at Tacoma's Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium to mom Nutmeg and dad Walnut. This cutie doesn't have a name yet because animal care staff don't yet know if it's a girl or a boy. Stay tuned for that news, as it's harder to determine in beavers than in many other animals.
The kit spends its days nursing, snuggled up to its mom and dad and learning to swim. So sweet. Note: You can't see this adorable beaver kit yet during a visit to the zoo. We'll update here when the little fella/gal makes his/her public debut, but you can see dad Walnut on occasion in the 3:30 p.m. Wild Wonders show on weekends.