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Bump to Bundle Photo Contest Winners!

Rory Graves

Published on: May 07, 2014


Thank you for sharing your photos with us!

We are so impressed with all of the beautiful photos that our readers submitted for our first-ever Bump to Bundle photo contest. Thank you for voting on and for sharing your images and experiences with us — it was tough to pick winners from so many wonderful entries. A big thanks to Verity Credit Union for sponsoring our contest and to our prize providers.

Before you learn about the winners, a quick note: Join us for more free family fun at ParentMap's Baby Fair at Northgate Mall on May 17 from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Activities include Northgate Mall's Diaper Derby for fast crawlers, pint-sized gymnastics for toddlers and fun crafts for kids. Grab a goody bag and wander through the fair to get great information on all things parenting. Did we mention there are prizes?! Find out more and register at


Grand Prize: Head Over Heels for Baby Cadence

We love the creativity and energy behind this amazing shot. Congrats to Mariel, Gully and Cadence Grace!

You won:

Second place: Delicious Duck

Look at those stunning baby blues! The caption to this image read "Enoying bath time so much, she became famished!" The rubber ducky might not taste that great, but we can't think of anything sweeter than that smile.

Congrats, Jason Derek Williams, you are the winner of:


Third place: Baby Mama

How sweet is this little family as they anticipate the arrival of a new baby?

Congrats, Amanda Dick. You are the winner of:


Fourth place: Twin Love

It's cuteness squared with twins Elijah and Logan.

Congrats, Molly Henricks! You won:


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